Työskenteleekö verkkosivustosi puolestasi vai onko se taakka, jota sinun on kannettava? Voimme tehdä väsyneestä nalkuttajasta työhevosen ilman taikuutta.

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WordPressin ylläpito

Don’t gamble with safety

Your website is THE BUSINESS CARD for your activity. Data loss and a lack of maintenance can quickly cost you hundreds of Euros of downtime – and many more in workhours for service restoration.

Folla’s packages will give you peace of mind, whatever your budget.

39 €

You will get

​24/7 valvonta
Viikoittainen varmuuskopiointi
Dedicated support
249 €

Same as Pro +

Two Daily Backups
Extended remote storage
Full Reporting
User activity report

Laiminlyönnistä aiheutuvat kustannukset

To assume that your web designer, hosting company, or “friend who is good with computers” has a recovery plan if your website fails is could turn out to be a mistake. 

25 vuoden kokemuksemme perusteella tiedämme, että oletuksiin, tarkistamattomiin varmuuskopiointiratkaisuihin ja pitämättömiin lupauksiin luottaminen voi maksaa aikaa, rahaa ja jopa yrityksesi. Suojaa verkkosivustosi asiantuntevilla varmuuskopiointi- ja ylläpitopalveluillamme varmistaaksesi liiketoiminnan jatkuvuuden ja mielenrauhan.


mio €

Average cost of a data breach for an SMB, globally. [1]



of businesses without recovery plan go out of business within one year. [2]



of SMBs are not financially prepared to recover from a cyberattack. [3]



of SMBs take over 24 hours to recover from a breach, leading to substantial operational downtime. [3]

Don’t leave your website’s safety to chance – ensure continuity with a custom recovery plan.

WordPress GDPR & markkinointi

Discover our offers to master GDPR compliant marketing

If you don’t know where you’re standing right now, our GDPR Assesment is the easiest way to understand your site’s shortcomming and get an idea on how to improve the overall situation.

With our GDPR & Marketing Pack, make your website both Google friendly & GDPR compliant – for less than a Euro per day!

If you have the “cookie side of things” covered and only need to connect Google, our Google Site Kit Pack has your back.

GDPR Assessment
129 €
single payment

You will get…

Written GDPR assessment
List of potential issues
What to improve (either with us or your own IT)

Buying this product, you will get a 25% discount on your order of our GDPR & Marketing Pack

Order now!
GDPR & markkinointipaketti
359 €
single payment

You will get…

Assessment & Optimization of GDPR
GDPR Plugin?
Google Fonts Optimization
Google Site Kit?

Get it cheaper by ordering it as add-on to a Maintenance Pack!

Order Now!
Google Site Kit Pack
199 €
single payment

You will get…

Site Kit installation & configuration?
Definition of 3 key metrics:
  • Revenue per Conversion 
  • Sessions by Source (e.g. Google Ads)
  • Clicks on Contact
Click me!

Web Design & Developement

Folla on erikoistunut kattavaan verkkosuunnitteluun ja -kehitykseen. Se tarkoittaa, että kaikki, minimalistisesta portfoliosta täysimittaiseen oppimisportaaliin, on ulottuvillasi. Haluamme myös, että teknologia on ymmärrettävää ja kutsumme sinut mukaan prosessiin.

We wont  reinvent the wheel – if the solutions at hand offers a good base for growth, we can build upon that. And most of the times, it’s the little changes that have the biggest impact.

Kerro ideastasi!

Beyond web design

Web Design & Developement is only one aspect of our work. Most of the times, it’s a ballet of skills and techniques that converge to create something unique.

Have a look at what else we can do for you – beyond web design.

Tuo kastike

Kääntäjät ovat mahtavia, polyglotit parempia, koska heillä on kulttuuri veressä.

Perustajamme ja toimitusjohtajamme Olivier Fontana has the luck to call three languages his mothertongues. This has proven many times over to be a great asset for Folla’s customers. Creating content that looks, reads and sounds convincing is the erityinen kastike , joka toteuttaa laajentumisunelmasi Euroopan markkinoille.

Joten mitä ikinä tilaatkin, pyydä kastike!

Varaa kokous
Olivier Fontana

Contact us!

Contact Form English