

The first iteration of Folla came into existance in 2003 in Brescia, Italy. The name was OliTek and beside doing HTML and ASP web pages, we specialised in backup solutions for professionals - mainly accountants and lawyers. Incremental backup, dual ISDN line... those were times!

Another iteration came along a few years later in Bern, Switzerland, in the form of olivier.IT, a freelance undertaking of our founder Olivier Fontana while studying to become an IT Specialist with Federal certification.

Move forward a few more years - and several hundreds of kilometers north - and Folla was created.


Established in 2017, Folla has been on a mission to provide high quality web design and digital content creation. We focus all our attention on our customers - spread from North to South across Europe - and their IT related needs.

In 2019 we expanded our palette with digital signage solutions and info displays and added a few online stores to our services. We are currently developing various web-based solutions for signage and display management.

Like Swiss clock makers, we aim to deliver top quality products, percise in every detail.


From our central position in Lahti, we want to expand our business activities to other areas of Finland. With the help of our in-house tools and software, we will also increase our coverage in Italy and Switzerland.

Die Sauce

Übersetzerinnen und Übersetzer sind großartig, Polyglotten sind besser, denn sie haben die Kultur im Blut.

Gründer und Geschäftsführer Olivier Fontana hat das Glück, drei Sprachen seine Muttersprachen nennen zu können. Das hat sich für die Kunden von Folla immer wieder als großer Vorteil erwiesen. Inhalte zu erstellen, die überzeugend aussehen, sich lesen und klingen, ist die Spezialsoße, die deine Expansionsträume auf dem europäischen Markt Wirklichkeit werden lässt.

Also, was auch immer du bestellst, frage nach der Sauce!

Contact Us

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